Interview with Adam M. Curry

Can mindfulness give us a new life? Join us as we ask Adam M. Curry, an inventor, and tech entrepreneur—3-questions in 30-minutes—to awaken to consciousness and get out of autopilot.

About Interview

Often we command our minds to reach enlightenment with self-talk that includes things like—Do more meditation, be more mindful, show more self-love, and so on. But for Adam M. Curry, the path to enlightenment is more exotic. 

Join us as we ask Adam M. Curry, an inventor and tech entrepreneur, 3 questions in 30-minutes to help us awaken to consciousness and get out of autopilot with his new app, Entangled.

  • Can mindfulness give us a new life?

  • Is consciousness a way to reach our full potential?

  • And what’s the source of human awareness?