Who We Are

It all started with a near-death experience that shaped a new understanding of the cosmos.

Our project is loosely based on natural and universal laws that connect our physical reality & ourselves to cosmic consciousness.

We exist in a living universe that’s “alive” with consciousness, particles, and energy. Cosmic consciousness is the embedded awareness of our universe, and it’s in you too. So, let’s connect with the most alive part within ourselves.

The Cosmos: Your Journey Into Infinity

Imagine gazing up at the velvety blanket of the night sky and understanding your purpose in it all. Are you ready to immerse yourself in a living universe?

Omni draws people from all walks of life, inspiring them to embrace their inner cosmic potential and step into the vast expanse of the cosmos.

Your entire Earth experience is preparing you for your final disembarkment into infinity.

We invite you to transcend your earthly reality and existence and take a cosmic adventure. Here, you'll find a collection of scientific marvels, obscure wonders, and mind-bending phenomena at your fingertips.

We offer unrivaled knowledge and passion for the stars and are committed to nurturing your inquisitive cosmic soul, providing engaging workshops, discussions, and interactive sessions.

From hands-on experiments to captivating presentations, we can quench your thirst for astronomical knowledge, making you an astute explorer of the cosmos in no time.

So, fellow star seeker, are you ready to embark on this celestial journey? Join us and prepare to unlock the secrets of the cosmos. The living universe awaits. Remember, the cosmos is merely a step away...